Friday, May 29, 2009

Busy busy week. Term 2 has finally come to an end but lessons are still on next week. Prelims and N level are getting nearer and nearer, tell me how to be more motivated to study? Chinese 'O' is on MONDAY. YES, NEXT MONDAY. It don't feel like that at all and i'm starting to get scared and nervous.

Okay, enough of these stuff. Went to the Asian Civilisations Museum on Wednesday. First visit there and it was mostly on ancient Chinese culture, Indian culture and Singapore's history. Well, it was not as bad as i thought. Took some nice scenery along the clarke/boat quay area which was pretty rare as i will only visit there during night time where only night lights can be seen then.

Went to school to take report book as usual today. Then went 4/6's classroom with the usuals to wait for the Chinese O Level briefing to start. Ended after 45 mins-1 hour or so, then went to meet the others at Bedok's Mac with Eeting and Yiling. Ate lunch there and had tons of laughters. Afterwhich, some of them went back to school and home while Eeting, Yiling, Don, Xiangming and Shilei went to Tampines One. Shopped around and went home around 2 plus.

I don't want Monday to arrive. /: Okay, me will be back soon. Xoxo.

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